Tuesday, March 24, 2020


The disease of addiction loves change, discomfort, disruption, and chaos; It loves anything that can lure the recovering addict into thinking he or she is cut off from the program, things are horrible, and there is no hope. No meetings, no job, no toilet paper? Why try to stay clean?

We've done a couple posts on "Adapt, Improvise, Overcome." Examples of the NA program doing this, especially after traditional meeting places closed down, are the video conferencing meetings through Zoom and other venues. The Dragon Slayers in Farmington, Maine will be having its first Zoom meeting tonight. I posted the following on my Facebook page:

The Dragon Slayers Group of NA (Quarantined), the oldest NA meeting in the State of Maine, is meeting tonight (Tuesday 3-24) at 6:30 PM on Zoom. If you already Zoom, just enter the meeting number below before the meeting time. If you are new to Zoom meetings, do the following:
1. Go to Zoom and download the free app.
2. Click on the "Join" button.
3. In the "Enter Meeting ID" box, type in 468401171
At 6:30 PM EST You will be in the Dragon Slayers NA meeting.
It is recommended you use earbuds or earphones to prevent delay echoes.
The Dragon Slayers are doing this for the first time, Terry Z. will be hosting/chairing, and despite possible glitches it should fill in for us a very empty gap. Have a good meeting.

The basic Zoom app is free and there are no fees. There will be a Seventh Tradition PayPal button, but no payments are required. Zoom is the only video conferencing app with which I have experience, but I am sure there are more.  Share that information. This is a temporary disruption and the more of us who are clean, sober, and alive when the all-clear sounds, the easier it will be to put the old meetings back together.

Don't pick up, click on to meetings, and ask for help. 
This, too, shall pass.

The pen and ink drawing is by Martin Springett and is titled "Old Chums."

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